
Butterfly Kit

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Expected release date is 2025 Apr 28th

Product Overview

Learn & Play Kids is excited to have Canadian Painted Lady Butterfly kits available for pre-purchase.

The Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) is one of the most widespread butterfly species in the world. They are a migrant (like the Monarch), but travel irregularly, and don`t have a set destination. Although the larvae start off very tiny (the size of a comma), they will grow to around 3 cm (1- 1.5 inches) long in just two weeks. The larvae "pupate," or form a chrysalis, by hanging upside down and shedding their caterpillar skin. The chrysalis stage is when they transform their body into an adult butterfly.

Your caterpillar project will take a total of 3-4 weeks.

Kit including 8-10 caterpillars and everything to take care of them excluding flight cage - $39.99

Once your caterpillars have formed a chrysalis hanging from the lid, you will need something bigger for them to emerge into (the adults need space). Your flight cage can be a variety of structures, providing it is grippy/rough-textured. Emerging adult butterflies need to crawl around if they fall, and even fully formed adults cannot walk on a smooth surface like glass/plastic. Do not let your butterflies emerge in a container made of anything smooth.

We have reusable professional grade flight cages specifically designed for butterflies. - $24.99 – Sold separately - Item #10371

These kits must be pre-purchased before April 11, 2025.

They will arrive the week of April 28nd and must be picked up immediately.

***For local pickup only***  They can't be shipped



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